Jigyasa on underprivileged children, de-prioritisation of artistic expressions & slamming out loud

"When we look at children, their perspective is something that we don't count at all. Children could probably be the most marginalized people in the world. Like often, when you think of marginalized people, we think of people who have done protests or done something. Children have not been able to stage protests or strikes, but they are definitely marginalized because they don't have a voice in the systems that we are part of."

29  Jigyasa Labroo
Founder Slam Out Loud

Who is Jigyasa?

Jigyasa, 29, is a Teach for India fellow and the Founder & CEO of Slam Out Loud, whose work has impacted 50,000 under privileged children by helping them find artistic expression by unravelling their inner voice and helping them find creative confidence. In English, her name would mean curiosity but in Hindi, her name conveys a deep internal yearning to demystify, which she is attempting her best to. Jigyasa actually starts this podcast by interviewing me but more importantly this podcast was very therapeutic for me for the way it flowed. I ended up speaking a lot more in the podcast than a host would do. I have done the least amount of edits to leave it as close to the flow it was in the original conversation. I also identify with the conversation because I have seen my elder sister suppressing her artistic expressions well into her adult life. I hope as a society, we will do all what it takes to not let this happen, at least with those around us.

Links  Slam Out Loud  
Recorded  over 2 years ago
Location  Zoom!
Age  29