What is The Human Quest

The title "Who is My Charioteer" stems from he thought that if the Charioteer is Me, what is Me? Is it my body, or my mind, or my intellect? By their very nature all of them are limited and perishable. Can it be them? Everything which moves, moves on something which is stationery. Similarly, everything which is perishable should also have an anchorage. So is there someone or something which is the watcher, the enlivener, of all what is limited & perishable, something which does not have any over-lordship, nothing more supreme to it? It is difficult to distil such conversations into a single episode, given the nature of subjectivity and the need for making it contemporary to the listeners. Moreover many of us suffer from deep conditionings so the subject has to be dealt from various angles. Today, June 1st, we release the 1st episode, in which our question is about "What is the Human Quest"? Where do we draw a line? Do we need to draw a line? Go ahead and watch the episode to find out.